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All users start using Vedubox Tutor training system as a trial. By this, the user is provided with information about what the system is, what components the service consists of, and the operation of the system.

Users who have decided to purchase the Vedubox Tutor service have made a trial use, understood the service offered and the components of this service, and liked this product (system).

Shopping from Vedubox Tutor is an action that takes place completely within the user’s consciousness.

In addition, Vedubox Tutor may stop the service purchased by the user if the rule/rules specified in any of the terms of the Use Agreement have been violated.

Vedubox Tutor has the right not to provide the discontinued service. For this reason, there is no cancellation or refund of purchased or discontinued packages.


Vedubox Tutor cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect causal or coincidental loss of income and benefits, compulsory interruption from work, loss of program or other data arising from being a user of Vedubox Tutor .

Vedubox Tutor is presented to the user as it is and does not guarantee that the above-mentioned situations will not occur or that the content is complete, accurate and useful.

Furthermore, Vedubox Tutor is authorized to change, remove, or add all or part of its content, regardless of anything.